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Competence would be a ratio, Capacity is max amount, volume, etc..

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Q: What is the difference between competency and capacity?
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Motivation is the external impulse that inspires the will to perform something. Competency is the innate skill and ability to actually perform it properly.

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Competency tests find out whether you can perform the job, aptitude tests find out how well you can perform a job.

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I do not know the answer.The difference between mass and capacity is that capacity is how much something can hold and mass is the weight of an object.

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Difference between competency and competence written by ganesh shermon in the book competency based hrm?

Competency is acquiring the determined quality and skill set for being well qualified physically and intellectually where as the set standard level or quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually is competence.

What is the difference between competency and behaviour?

Competency relates to the knowledge, skills, and abilities a person possesses to perform a task or role effectively, while behavior refers to the actions and conduct demonstrated by an individual in various situations. Competency focuses on what a person can do, while behavior centers on how they act or react.

What is the Difference between nominal and actual cooling capacity?

In general actual capacity is bit less than the nominal capacity of any form