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I don't think the time of day has any effect on the results you get.(:

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Q: What is the best time of day to take a early pregnancy test?
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Is 10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Yes, 10 days is a bit too early for an accurate result of a pregnancy test. You should take a pregnancy test anywhere from 2 weeks to a month for an acurate result on a pregnancy test.

I am 6 days late on period but took test last week and come back neg Having cramping and bloating Can you still be pregnant?

Yes, you could be. It was probably too early to take a pregnancy test then. I suggest that you get one done at the doctor's.

I looked at my pregnancy test after 2 hours of doing it there was a very very faint line am i pregnant?

yes ,the line appears very very faint in the early stages of pregnancy

Can a pregnancy test be taken during implantation bleeding and if so how accurate should the results be?

I think a home pregnancy test taken during implantation bleeding would be a little too early to take. wait another day or two and then take it. But it might be OK to take it then. Depends on the test and the woman's hormones. My personal experience is that you can take a HPT during the first implantation bleeding and see a positive result that has inevitably turned out to be accurate. However, Just because it is negative doesn't mean that the test is acurate because all woman are different and sometime a woman's hormone levels take longer to kick in.

After sex and you take a pregnancy test will it mess up the results?

The pregnancy tests the hormones in your urine stream, known as hCG, semen does not affect it. That hormone is produced by your body during pregnancy and is the only thing measured by the test. So no, having sex anytime before taking the pregnancy test will not affect your results or give you a false positive. The only time having sex affects your pregnancy test is when it was weeks ago, unprotected, and fertilized the egg.. making you pregnant.

Related questions

Is it to early to take a pregnancy test?

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When can a woman take her pregnancy test?

A woman should take a pregnancy test on the first day that she has missed her period, it is best to take the test in the morning for the best results.

Is it ok to take a pregnancy test at 3Am?

go for it. you can take a pregnancy test whenever you want. the only thing is that when its early early on, you have more of the hcg pregnancy hormone in the morning after you've slept awhile. that's why they say its best to take the test then for more accuracy. i personally took my first 2 preg tests at 9 and 10 pm and found out i was pregnant.

Are the chills a sign of early pregnancy?

They could be - take a test

Is it possible to be too early to take a pregnancy test?


What is the best way to take a pregnacy test?

The best way to take a pregnancy test is to take it first thing in the morning, that is when pregnancy hormones are most detectably.

How long after late short period should you take a pregnancy test?

Its best to perform a pregnancy test, 3-4 weeks after you last had intercourse or when your period is a few days late.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test after pregnancy?

"After pregnancy?"If you know you are pregnant then don't take the test.Lmao -_-

What does a inconclusive home pregnancy test really mean?

It may mean that you have taken the test to early, best to go and see your doctor or wait for a week and take another test.

Is it possible to have a period even if you think you have conceived?

Some women have periods during pregnancy but it is uncommon. Best way to know is to take a Early Home pregnancy test.

Is nipple tenderness a sign of your period or early pregnancy?

Nipple tenderness can be a sign of your period or early pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test if you think you're pregnant.

Is 10 days after possible conception too early for an accurate result of pregnancy test?

Yes, 10 days is a bit too early for an accurate result of a pregnancy test. You should take a pregnancy test anywhere from 2 weeks to a month for an acurate result on a pregnancy test.