Drink plenty of cold fluids.Eat a lot of ice so the swelling can go down.
The swelling should be completely gone within a week. If it isn't you may have an infection. You should go to a doctor and have the doctor look at it.
Do not remove it when it is swollen. You can cause tiny tears in your skin, which can increase swelling even further, and cause infection. To relieve the swelling, take an Ibuprofen, and put a warm compress over the piercing. These two combined should bring down the swelling enough to where you can take the jewelry out. Good luck!
For the basic oral piercings, ie. lip piercing, monroe, labret etc etc; the swelling begins to go down after a few days. Since the cartilage for a dimple piercing is much thicker than that of a lip piercing, the swelling will take a little bit longer to go down. Usually 3-10 days before the swelling begins to go down, depending on how much you play with the jewelery, irritate the piercing, and even how you clean it can all alter the amount of time your piercing is swollen for!
Yes, this is due to the localized swelling from the piercing process. Follow the aftercare guide you were provided with by your piercer and the swelling should go down in a few days.
Most piercings swell afterwards....This is why we use jewelry a little longer than necessary for the initial piercing, to accommodate for the swelling....Whoever pierced yours used too short a jewelry....In a day or two it MAY go down but if it doesn't it will swell over the ball and have to be cut out.....Hope this helps
Ice for 20 mins, and Tylenol .
Absolutely...ice helps to bring the swelling down, but as long as you don't put it on for too long, and the piercing itself isn't constricted too tightly. I have a nose piercing too, and i do it all the time.
put an ice bag on it
gurgle some salt water every two times daily for a while til the swelling goes down
Well the swelling is due to the original piercing, not you shoving the jewellery back in, so relax it's not your fault. Now the swelling will last for a few days and will ease off as the piercing heals.Ibuprofen, Advil for the swelling will help ease it a bit These are anti- inflammatories and will help settle things down. Cold stuff helps as well avoid spicy food for a few days and once the swelling goes down (48~72 hours from now) you can get back to a normal diet.
There isn't too much you can do. The swelling is natural; your body is healing. If you REALLY need to get it down, you can take an anti-inflammatory like aspirin.
it takes up to a few weeks