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Do not remove it when it is swollen. You can cause tiny tears in your skin, which can increase swelling even further, and cause infection. To relieve the swelling, take an ibuprofen, and put a warm compress over the piercing. These two combined should bring down the swelling enough to where you can take the jewelry out. Good luck!

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Q: How do you remove a Monroe piercing when its swelling?
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Related questions

What is normal effects for a monroe piercing?

Swelling, soreness, redness, minimal puss.

What helps a monroe piercing swelling go down?

Drink plenty of cold fluids.Eat a lot of ice so the swelling can go down.

How long can you take your Monroe piercing out?

If the piercing is over a year old you can remove the Monroe piercing for several hours without fear of the piercing healing closed. Prior to a year you are taking a gamble on how your body will respond to the jewellery being out of the piercing.

What kind of piercing is a Monroe piercing?

A Monroe piercing is a piercing on the left upper lip. It's called the Monroe piercing due to Marilyn Monroe's mole piercing. Many people now has this piercing which was started by the celebrity herself.

What can you eat after you get a Monroe piercing?

Food would be a good thing, unlike a tongue piercing you can eat almost anything so long as you rinse after eating and stay on something for swelling.

How long does it take for swelling on a monroe piercing to go down?

The swelling should be completely gone within a week. If it isn't you may have an infection. You should go to a doctor and have the doctor look at it.

Slight swelling on a new nose piercing?

Swelling is normal for a new piercing.

How long does it take for the swelling to go down on a dimple piercing?

For the basic oral piercings, ie. lip piercing, monroe, labret etc etc; the swelling begins to go down after a few days. Since the cartilage for a dimple piercing is much thicker than that of a lip piercing, the swelling will take a little bit longer to go down. Usually 3-10 days before the swelling begins to go down, depending on how much you play with the jewelery, irritate the piercing, and even how you clean it can all alter the amount of time your piercing is swollen for!

What to do for excessive swelling on the labaret monroe piercing?

If the piercing has swelled to a point where you think it's excessive you need to go back to the studio that did it and have them put a longer stud into the piercing so it can drain and so the swelling can be relieved. A professional body piercer will account for some swelling and the jewellery needs to be long enough for this to occur without causing any further trauma. So go back and get them to fix it, if they are smart they will do it at no charge to you because they didn't account for the swelling nor did they instruct you on how to control the swelling.

Where do you go to get a Monroe Piercing?

Any legitimate piercing shop should offer monroe piercings. Monroe piercings are considered a lip piercing and range in pricing from $30-$80.

Is it normal for an indentation in the shape of the stud to be made on your face after you get your Monroe pierced?

Yes, this is due to the localized swelling from the piercing process. Follow the aftercare guide you were provided with by your piercer and the swelling should go down in a few days.

How old do you have to be to get a Monroe piercing?

i think age requirements depend on where you live but where I'm from you have to be 16+ to get a monroe piercing without an adult.