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Take it out! that means your body is rejecting it! Actually it's a reaction to the cleaning product or skin cleanser you are using. (Hypertrophic Reaction)

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Q: What happens when skin grows around a nose piercing?
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What is a piercing on your nose called?

It is called a nose piercing.

Does a nose or navel piercing hurt worse?

I have both, and defin0ately the nose hurts more. I would say the navel piercing hurts around 1/10 compaired to the nose =] hope this helps XX

What happens if you take a nose piercing out too soon?

the hole will close over or it could get infected

Can you use a ear piercing cleaner on my nose?

Yes, you can use ear piercing cleaner on a nose piercing.

Does prodigy from mindless behavior have a nose piercing?

no prodigy doesn't have a nose piercing

Eating with a nose piercing?

your nose piercing should effect you in no way when you eat.

How do you close your nose piercing if its 5 years old Could you scratch up the inside so that it grows together?

No. Go talk to your doctor if you want the piercing to close up that badly. Over time the piercing will shrink and will become unnoticeable

Can you tan with a nose piercing?

Yes you can tan with a nose piercing, but I wouldn't recommend it. It dry your piercing out and cause "crusties".

What happens if you take out your nose piercing first day you get it pierced?

'Nothing at first, but later it will grow shut

What are the correct names of nose piercings?

there are 3 different types of nose piercings. a nostril piercing, septum piercing (through the septum of your nose), and bridge piercing (placed on the upper bridge of your nose)

Does Ashley Massaro have a nose piercing?

no she doesn't have a nose piercing but i do know that she has snakebites (hoopes) and a monroe piercing on her left upper lip.

Can you have a nose piercing while working at Carter's?

It is not advised for you to have a nose piercing while working at Carter's.