after rehab, you'd realize that you were an idiot for getting that tattoo.
The permanent tattoo will stay on your body for good. While non permanent tattoo willdisapear after a while.
When you let a unlicensed tattoo artist tattoo you, you have a greater chance of a botched tattoo, and of becoming infected from improperly handled tattooing equipment
kid? how old are you? don't get a tattoo. It's permanent. If you do get a tattoo, get a Henna tattoo. They go away after a while
you're stuffed
You will have to ask your tattoo artist.
Yes, cocaine acts as an Anti-Coagulant. Meaning it thins the blood. It is never a good idea to take cocaine and have art work done. Most tattoo artists are forbidden by law to tattoo anyone they believe to have consumed alcohol or have done drugs (including prescribed pain medications).
I dont know - I need an asnwer too
Getting a tattoo while pregnant can be very risky. The chemicals in the ink can affect your baby during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The chemicals can be dangerous to the fetus.
The permanent tattoo will stay on your body for good. While non permanent tattoo willdisapear after a while.
you die
just talk to frank babe everything will be fine that's what my mate did your not alone i promise your off it as soon as what you were on it
Hypothyroidism would have no effect on your tattoo, and conversely, your tattoo would have no effect on your thyroid gland.
When you let a unlicensed tattoo artist tattoo you, you have a greater chance of a botched tattoo, and of becoming infected from improperly handled tattooing equipment
kid? how old are you? don't get a tattoo. It's permanent. If you do get a tattoo, get a Henna tattoo. They go away after a while
When you drink and do cocaine nothing can really happen. Actually if you are drunk and do cocaine your buzz may go away and get really wired. It feels the same as if you did cocaine without drinking. YOU CAN DIE. but rearly happens unless you take too much.
Tattoos do not effect the breast milk as the ink doesnt travel through the bloodstream, however i would not risk getting a tattoo while you are breastfeeding as other aspects of the tattoo could potentially harm a baby such as infections which can be picked up from a new tattoo which can travel through the bloodstream and be passed into the milk. Therefore i would wait until you have finished breastfeeding before getting a Tattoo.