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Yes, cocaine acts as an Anti-Coagulant. Meaning it thins the blood. It is never a good idea to take cocaine and have art work done.

Most tattoo artists are forbidden by law to tattoo anyone they believe to have consumed alcohol or have done drugs (including prescribed pain medications).

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Q: Is it true that cocaine can make you bleed more while you are being inked?
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Do somas make you bleed more while being tattooed?

no you should not bleed more when you get a tatoo.

How do you stop the burn from cocaine while snorting?

nasel spray or snorting water that's what I've hered ADDITION: Cocaine should not burn, if it burns its cut with something that is not cocaine, Cocaine should be a cool, numbing, pleasant feeling while being insulfated(snorted).

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Cocaine refers to the drug in its powder form, while crack is cocaine that has been processed into a rock crystal, typically smoked. Crack is a more potent and fast-acting form of cocaine, leading to a quicker and more intense high. Additionally, crack is generally cheaper and more addictive than powder cocaine.

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If you don't bleed, you don't have a period. You can't have a period and not bleed.

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Turtles only shed skin not shell if u were wondering and no they do not bleed while shedding

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N: traffic in illegal drugs while being close to or adjoining a renal glomerulus ; like a bag of cocaine in your system.

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Your mouth should not bleed while you are running. Check with your physician.

What are the chances of getting your period while actually being pregnant when you have several pregnancy symptoms?

It is possible to have a period like bleed during early pregnancy. But the bleeding is usually light and never a heavy, normal period bleed.

What can you use to get an erection while on cocaine?

the number 6

Can you tell if someone in your house is using cocaine?

Yes of course, you will definatly see rapid weight lose including not eating as properly as someone who was not using cocaine would usual eat. Also the person using the cocaine will get so far into his addiction that after a while he/or she will being to have rasional behavior toward the ones he/or she loves the most.

Can man still produce babies while using cocaine?

No, a man cannot produce babies even when not using cocaine.

How much can you bleed while getting tattooed?

Well, the faster your blood flows, the more you will bleed while getting the tatoo. And a way to prevent your blood from flowing faster is to be calm and relaxed while you're getting the tatoo. Avoid doing physical exercises just before you go get your tatoo.