Your period doesn't hurt, but you may experience cramps or blotting. You might say it feels like someone hit you in the stomach, but not that hard.
Everybody is different, some girls experience mild to severe cramping, others nothing at all. Since you don't have your period i know you want it but trust you don't! IT'S HELL! If your friends have it and they say they hate it believe them it's not fun at all! If you wear pads it feel like you pissed yourself with blood. And you can feel it coming out and if you wear tampons there so much better and they do not hurt. It might feel uncortable at first but you'll get used to it. It's better if you start later because as i was saying it is not fun
It differs depending on how much you bleed but yes, when there's a lot you can feel it getting warm.
It may feel like you are urinating.
you start to feel your lower abdomen ache and crampy.. and you start bleeding!
You can't predict how long your first period will last because you need to keep track of how long your first few lasts in order to predict how long one will last. For most people it lasts about a week.
well, one: you wouldn't bleed if you weren't on your period? two: usually its clumpy for the first few times you're on it. and three: it gets lighter over time.
It is different for everyone, some people feel nothing at all.
It does not. You can't really tell unless you're trying to feel it.
Embarrassed, bad, weird, paranoid, scared, and like a pencil. Wait, what?
That is a period.
If you feel like vomiting after the last day of you period, you may just have a virus. There should be no reason to vomit just over your period.
you don't even feel it, in fact, you will never feel it, unless your one of those people who get cramps, I'm not :D hope you aren't too
It is normal to feel like you want to have sex on your period. A woman's hormones are going wild when on their period.
It is normal for everything to feel like it's working hard down there, three days after starting period for the first time, because you are not used to. If it continues that way, you should seek medical help.
You feel really bloated and its like having to go to the bathroom.But you realize your bleeding......there you go
Yes its absolutely normal to feel period like systems in the first trimester. Don't panic, relax...its your uterus stretching.
Hell x 10000000000
you usually feel really sleepy all the time and you have lower back pains. Sometimes u might even feel a little bit of a cramp in your lower stomach like IT IS a period but its just pee i hope this helped