

Best Answer

If your body is doing something you're concerned about you should ask your GP. It really depends on the context whether something like this is normal or not (e.g. how old are you, have you had children, do you have any STIs), and a medical professional is more likely to know whether you should be concerned about it than someone on the internet who knows nothing about you.

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Q: What does it mean when your spotting ten days after your period and its light brown to red?
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If you get brown spotting a couple of days then no spotting does that mean that you are going to get your period soon?


Is it normal to get brown discharge 4 days before period in virgins?

Yes, it is completely normal to get brown discharge for four days before your period, this is spotting which is just light bleeding as your period starts. A virgin is absolutely no different to a non-virgin.

What is the difference between a light period and implantation?

As far as I know, a light period is just that...a light period. Implantation bleeding usually occurs a couple days before your period is due, and is just spotting, usually pink-ish or light brown in colour.

Is it normal to begin spotting a few days after a period appears to be completely over?

If the spotting is brown blood then this is simply left over blood from your period.

Trying to get pregnant period isn't due for 7 days for 2 days i have had light brown spotting is it normal could it be implantation spotting when should i test the bleeding is now gone?

You could be pregnant. I had brown spotting 10 days before my period was suppose to start. 5 days later I took a First Response (5 days before your missed period) and it came back positive. If you take it that early and it comes out negative, it could be a false negative. It is still best to wait 5 to 10 days after a missed period. Good luck!

Are you pregnant if you have brown spotting and your period is 12 days late?

You very well might be. The brown spotting is most likely to be implantation bleeding which is very common.

What does it mean if the first day of your period is brown spotting now only light pink spotting?

My favorite usually last four days it came on which is only two brown spots on my pad that’s it no..

1 day late and the next day have light spotting?

If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.

You just started your period and you have been spotting brown for 2 days?

What is your question in relation to these facts.

What does it mean if 3 days after your period you start spotting light pink discharge?

what does it mean you start to have a light pink discharge after your period

How do you know the difference between early pregnancy spotting and a light period?

There may not be much difference although implantation spotting (if you have it) is usually just that, a few spots only, whereas a light period is steady over a few days. answer There is 2 bleedings you can have in pregnancy one called spotting and one called Implantation bleeding. Implantation blood can last from 1-2 days its just a spot of blood. Spotting can last a few days up to 6 days and it just a light period I got told but proper light.

Can light spotting on the day period was due then brown discharge the next 2 days be a sign of pregnancy also having nausea and sore breasts?

Yes - take a test