i dont think it means anything like ur bi or gay its just a peircing
It means you have the right side of your nose pierced, there is no meaning in North American Culture for nose piercing. It's a matter of personal style and fashion, what looks good on you.
I would get it on the opposite side of your nose piercing. Just because I like symmetry. It really just depends on your preference
It Doesn't mean a thing. i have a piercing on my right. i got it there cause it felt better it doesn't mean anything :)
Right cross.
Nope! Its all up to you! Good Luck!
It doesn't matter. The piercing will look the same on either.
To signify their religion. Usually, the left side indicates they are Hindu and the right side is to show they are Muslim. To signify their religion. Usually, the left side indicates they are Hindu and the right side is to show they are Muslim.
i think middle piercings are always a cool choice, that way the face doesn't look to heavy on one side or to uneven, if you pierce the right side you risk looking unsymmetrical, which takes away from natural appeal, if you get the left side you risk looking messy, but middle bottom lip piercings usually look good no mater what, and a double stud pierce might work as well, though if you have a stud on your nose then i suggest a ring on the lip, here are two pictures that you could consider, one being a double stud, the other a middle pierce.
because your abinoiseterousyou are blocking the airway on that side.
Right side.
Right side left side gay? Well in professional body piercing what side you pierce your nose on has no bearing on your sexual orientation, it's what side looks better for the nose being pierced. The same applies to ear piercing now, both sides one side, both sides multiple times means nothing other than style and appearance, not sexual orientation.
Left = Straight Right = Gay