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It Doesn't mean a thing.

i have a piercing on my right.

i got it there cause it felt better

it doesn't mean anything :)

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Q: Meaning of nose piercing on the right side of the nose?
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If you pierce your nose on the right what does it that mean?

It means you have the right side of your nose pierced, there is no meaning in North American Culture for nose piercing. It's a matter of personal style and fashion, what looks good on you.

Does it mean if you get the right side of your nose pierced?

There is no meaning in North American culture to which side of the nose a piercing is on, never has been and never will. In the Indian culture they were under the Cass system and it held meaning for them, but not in North America.

Where on your nose do you supposed to nose piercing?

Your piercer will tell you that. You just tell her what side of your nose, left or right.

What does it mean when a girl has a pierceing in the left side nose?

A nose piercing on the left side is just a personal preference and has no specific meaning. Some people believe that piercing the left side signifies female energy. Ultimately, the meaning behind a piercing will vary depending on the individual's personal beliefs and culture.

Does vic fuentes have a nose piercing?

Yes ! it's on his right side I believe

Does the lead singer from the ready set have a nose piercing?

Yes. Jordan does indeed have a nose piercing. Currently he has two. A ring on the right side and a stud on the left.

What is the more common side for a nose piercing?

left side of your nose x

What side is Andy biersacks nose piercing on?

What side of Andy biersacks nose does he have pierced

What side do you put the lines in your eyebrow?

On the side away from your doesn't really mtter what side but the best side to putin line is on the side away from your nose....SWAG

How do you tell the Lenny and john pearces twins apart?

usually you can tell by their faces. but if you cant; Lenny has a lip piercing on the right side & he has a tattoo along his right arm & right side of his neck. John has a nose piercing on his left side and has a tattoo on his upper right arm and on his right leg

Which side should you pierce your lip if you already have a stud on the right side of your nose?

I would get it on the opposite side of your nose piercing. Just because I like symmetry. It really just depends on your preference

What side of the nose piercing is lesbians?

your lesbians