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There is no meaning in North American culture to which side of the nose a piercing is on, never has been and never will. In the Indian culture they were under the Cass system and it held meaning for them, but not in North America.

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Q: Does it mean if you get the right side of your nose pierced?
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Related questions

What side is Vic Fuentes nose pierced?

Right side.

If you pierce your nose on the right what does it that mean?

It means you have the right side of your nose pierced, there is no meaning in North American Culture for nose piercing. It's a matter of personal style and fashion, what looks good on you.

What side of your nose should you pierced?

right because it will look cool maybe

What side does Jordan Witzigreuter nose pierced on?

Actually, he has his nose pierced on the BOTH sides!

What side of your nose should you get your nose pierced on?

It doesn't matter...

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What sde of your nose should you geet pierced?

RIGHT! I had the same question when I went to get my nose pierced! I asked around for months and everyone that I seen had it on the right side! OH here is a tip! Don't remove it before the time frame that is given!

Which side of your nose should you get pierced?

left means gay and right means straight and a ring in the middle means either or. but chicks can do what they want.

Did Miley Cyrus get a nose job?

yes, she has her nose pierced on the right side

What side should I get my nose pierced on?

Whichever side you would like, unless you've had an infection in one side of the nose, then the opposite side.

Does a flower on the left side of a girls hair mean she is single?

Yes, also if a guy has his left ear pierced it means he's gay, if the right side is pierced, he is staright