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The biggest symptom is heavy bleeding and cramping. Call your doctor immediately if you experience bleeding at anytime during your pregnancy.

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Q: What does a miscarriage look like in the first few weeks?
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What would a miscarriage look and or feel like if you were 6 weeks pregnant?

A heavy painful period with clots.

What does a miscarriage look like in the first month?

Pretty much like a heavier period.

What does a fetus look like after miscarriage at 6 weeks?

If you have a miscarriage at six weeks you probably won't see much more than blood clots as the embryo is still very small. See the link for a timeline and pictures.

What does conception tissue look like in early miscarriage of approximately 4 weeks?

Red ball like blood clot with stringy tissue and dark blood for a week.

How long in your prgenancy do you have to be to have a miscarriage?

Usually in the first 3 or 4 months is when you have a miscarriage. Maybe you are meaning abortion? Look it up.

Does miscarriage look like taphole shaped clot with veins?

i had a miscarriage a few years ago and it was like 2 giant slugs it was heartbreaking

How long does it take to pass a fetus after you suspected you have had a miscarriage?

The fetus is passed during the bleeding of a miscarriage. If it's in the first trimester, the fetus is smaller than a prune, so would look like a large clot.

What should you see with a 12 week miscarriage?

During a miscarriage at the 12 week point you can see large clots (that look much like raw liver) and you can also see the baby's body. The baby will look somewhat grey (hence the term grey matter). You should bleed for a few days. At first the bleeding and cramping might be severe but if there are no complications and the miscarriage is a complete miscarriage the symptoms will lessen.

If you had a miscarriage at 13 weeks when you pass the baby will it look like a baby or just a big blood clot?

The baby will come out in a sac and it will look like a baby. I miscarried my 13wk baby dec "08 and when I passed it I could see its little hands on its face and its mouth open.

What does the passing of a fetal sac look like?

when i had my first miscarriage the fetal sac came out in the toilet and it looked like a little veiny blood sac. it was really small almost like a bubble.

What would the tissue of a miscarriage look like at 5 weeks in water?

it would look like gray tissue.... not to be gross but when u have blood clots that is what its like but it will look like gray tissue

What does the baby look like when you've had a miscarriage at ten weeks?

Delicious. that's is a very disgusting comment... well i had that happen to me at exactley 10 weeks and it was no more than an inch big and u could see the little hands and feet. sorry if that's wut u saw.