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Red ball like blood clot with stringy tissue and dark blood for a week.

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Q: What does conception tissue look like in early miscarriage of approximately 4 weeks?
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How do you know if you have had a miscarriage on the 10th day after conception?

you may have what you think is a bad period and it could be a early miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy. You should go to a doctor to make sure, they can see if you have the pregnancy hormone in your blood or if you have any evidence of a miscarriage through an exam.

Can sperm cause miscarriage at early stage of pregnancy?

No, sperm doesn't cause early miscarriage.

May have had a miscarriage you passed tissue but you did not save it and didnt think anything of it until you just started your period again i had no other signs or symptoms of a miscarriage?

Were you diagnosed as pregnant? If you were in fact pregnant and now started you period again you "did" have a miscarriage. In the early stages of pregnancy a miscarriage is not always going to have any major symptioms. Discharging tissue could be something else if you weren't pregnant. I would see a doctor if you continue to have such discharge in the future.

Can you have a miscarriage with out cramps chills fever or low back pain Just pass blood and tissue?

Yes you can. Chills and fever are signs of infection and it is quite possible to have a miscarriage without infection. A very early miscarriage may also be painless, though a later one witll probably give you cramps and/or lower back pain.

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Can you miscarry at 1 week?

If you mean miscarry as in a miscarriage yes you can. When it's early most women doesn't even notice. Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester due to the fetus is not viable. If you mean abortion aka induced miscarriage see related question below.

What is the fatty tissue looking stuff that came out during my period?

Many women also notice shedding of the endometrium lining that appears as tissue mixed with the blood. Sometimes this is erroneously thought to indicate an early-term miscarriage of an embryo. Don't worry!

Can CMV cause an early miscarriage?

Yes cmv is a major cause of miscarriage and their is no cure available for it at this time!

When are you out of a miscarriage stage?

miscarriage is the lost of a pregnancy in the early stage, it is more common in the first 12 weeks

How early during pregnancy can you have a miscarriage?

You can miscarry as early as when you find out you are pregnant or earlier. I just had a miscarriage at 20 weeks, and I know several people that have had one later.

Do a women have to have a dnc after an early miscarriage?

Only if there are remains.

Does light pink discharge in early pregnancy mean miscarriage?

Hello. No this doesn't mean its a miscarriage hun. Miscarriage bleeding is usually heavy, red and very painful cramping. Its most likely early pregnancy spotting or spotting due to a UTI.