If you have a miscarriage at six weeks you probably won't see much more than blood clots as the embryo is still very small. See the link for a timeline and pictures.
The fetus is passed during the bleeding of a miscarriage. If it's in the first trimester, the fetus is smaller than a prune, so would look like a large clot.
The fetus is about 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce. You can have a funeral if you want. That is your choice. There is nothing that says you have to have a funeral when you miscarry this early. I've added a picture in the link below of what a 12 weeks fetus look like in the womb.
A heavy painful period with clots.
it would look like gray tissue.... not to be gross but when u have blood clots that is what its like but it will look like gray tissue
10 weeks a baby has everything an adult has, just smaller...
He looks like a perfectly proportional baby, just really skinny and small
Check out this link and you can see what a fetus looks like at 16 weeks. Apparantly it can get the hiccups at this stage! http://www.paternityangel.com/Preg_info_zone/WeekByWeek/Weekly16.htm
Red ball like blood clot with stringy tissue and dark blood for a week.
Yes. that's 16 weeks. but, no worries, it's not like actually giving birth. the embryo is still underdeveloped at this stage in the pregnancy to be considered a baby. If you were farther along in your pregnancy it would be a lot more diffucult. At 16 weeks abortions are still allowed, in most states. At 16 weeks it is VERY MUCH the same birth process. It is not an embryo, it is called a fetus which is a baby. All you have to do is look up photos of what a baby looks like at 16 weeks.
The biggest symptom is heavy bleeding and cramping. Call your doctor immediately if you experience bleeding at anytime during your pregnancy.
i had a miscarriage a few years ago and it was like 2 giant slugs it was heartbreaking
Pretty much like a heavier period.