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that's is a very disgusting comment... well i had that happen to me at exactley 10 weeks and it was no more than an inch big and u could see the little hands and feet. sorry if that's wut u saw.

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Q: What does the baby look like when you've had a miscarriage at ten weeks?
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How come I haven't seen a baby at 10 weeks miscarriage?

like sex

If you had a miscarriage at 13 weeks when you pass the baby will it look like a baby or just a big blood clot?

The baby will come out in a sac and it will look like a baby. I miscarried my 13wk baby dec "08 and when I passed it I could see its little hands on its face and its mouth open.

You are 8 weeks and 5days pregnant and im bleeding its like period does that mean you lost your baby?

It is possible that you are experiencing/did experience a miscarriage. Contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Does a chicken have an egg that we eat when it has a miscarriage?

If a chicken had a miscarriage there would be no egg, that would be like asking what to do with the baby I had after I miscarried...

When I was 6 weeks along with 1st baby the doctor heard a heartbeat. Now at 7 weeks he says there is no heartbeat and it is probably a miscarriage. There is no blood and no pain?

When you have a miscarriage it can be like that. The embryo just dies and wont come out and you have no symptoms. To get it out you will either be given medication to start cramps or they will give you a D&C and scrape the uterus.

How is much blood loss would be there at 5 weeks if i had a miscarriage?

Typically, a five week miscarriage would cause bleeding like a period.

Is it possible to see the baby when you have a miscarriage not just parts of the baby but the whole baby?

yes, I seen my whole baby when I miscarried the first time... looked like a little chicken. :( but its more likely to see pieces. Also depends how far along you are at the time of miscarriage too... (sorry to have to edit it, I pressed enter too soon ) If you miscarry before about 8 weeks the baby is so small that it is unlikely it will be visible in the blood and clots, it will probably just look like another clot. But the later you are and the larger the baby the more likely you are to be able to see it. There is no reason why it should be in pieces. After about 12 weeks it will look like a baby and after about 15 weeks it may even move if still alive. It really depends why you miscarry as well. If it is becasue the baby has died it will look different to if it is because you have a 'weak' cervix and miscarry a live baby.

What happens if an animal has a miscarriage?

Just like in humans, the baby doesn't get born.

When you miscarriage after 4 months of pregnancy do you still give brith?

Yes. that's 16 weeks. but, no worries, it's not like actually giving birth. the embryo is still underdeveloped at this stage in the pregnancy to be considered a baby. If you were farther along in your pregnancy it would be a lot more diffucult. At 16 weeks abortions are still allowed, in most states. At 16 weeks it is VERY MUCH the same birth process. It is not an embryo, it is called a fetus which is a baby. All you have to do is look up photos of what a baby looks like at 16 weeks.

What does a fetus look like after miscarriage at 6 weeks?

If you have a miscarriage at six weeks you probably won't see much more than blood clots as the embryo is still very small. See the link for a timeline and pictures.

If you had a dc 6 weeks ago and just recently had your first period 2 weeks ago How soon after that can you get pregnant and will symptoms start showing sooner or is it still from a miscarriage?

You can get pregnant NOW, it is not still from the miscarriage. If you feel like it, go for it.

What would a miscarriage look and or feel like if you were 6 weeks pregnant?

A heavy painful period with clots.