Need more information to answer, especially pertaining to the type of firearm it is. It could be an arsenal stamp and date of manufacture, or something else entirely.
That the barrel (not the gun, the BARREL) was made in June 1944. Posibbly an M1 Garand, or an 1903 Springfield?
It is the end of the stock as opposed to the end of the barrel end of the gun
At the end of a gun barrel
It's at the end of the barrel where the bullet comes out. It's at the opposite end of the butt of the gun.
It is the hole at the front end of the barrel where the bullet leaves the gun.
Barrel length is measured from the bolt face to the end of the barrel.
A tool that cuts a crown at the muzzle end of the barrel
It's called the Muzzle
on the muzzle end of the barrel there will be 3 grooves for the handgaurd/extension, if the barrel is smooth on the outside with no grooves it is a riot gun.
you shoot of you finger. and its painful
In the cartridge, which is placed at the back end of the barrel, in the chamber.