He has been caught saying "bitch" on April fools. He has also said some other things but that is another story
i can tell you because i dont say bad words!
probly NOT! well in my opinion, yes Justin bieber does say a bad word and i can prove it, go to youtube.com and search for bieber take over and click the 2nd video and at the end of the video JUSTIN BIEBER says a bad word witch is known as the word BITCH!!!!
The Jonas Brothers are way out! Justin Bieber is :)
Justin Bieber sang with Jayden Smith in his hit song... Never Say Never.
No, Justin Bieber's movie is not called the Roomate. It is called "Never Say Never"
No, He does not cures a lot. He has been known though to say a few curse words.
Justin bieber doesn't sware he only says *stupid* and *freaken*
i can tell you because i dont say bad words!
well sometimes
I love Justin Bieber = Ich liebe Justin Bieber
You Say Different Words/Lyrics.
I say Justin Bieber.
J'adore Justin Bieber.
justin bieber: never say never
Yes and if u don't believe me then just go to YouTube and look up Justin bieber hilarious moments!
Yes, there are some people who do say Justin bieber is hot.