No. Justin Bieber has not gotten any girl pregnant. Neither his girlfriend nor a fan.One of Justin Bieber's fans, Mariah Yeater claimed that Justin Bieber was the father of her baby. Justin Bieber went for DNA testing and it was determined that he was not the father of the baby. (See "related questions" below for more information).
of coarse he does
Justin Bieber dose not like the violen because it is not a insterment he likes to play he only likes stuff he can really sing too
It doesn't appear that the band Green Day likes Justin Bieber as they have made fun of him in the past. Justin Bieber isn't liked by a lot of people.
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are not in a fake relationship, they actually tried to keep their relationship a secret for awhile but were found holding hands in the park.
Hi everybody, The people that really love Justin Bieber are called BELIEVERS... Hope this answer was helpful !
No Justin bieber was not really arrested,as it was for a csi video.
how to tell Justin bieber love him
yes this is Justin bieber in real life
Justin Bieber's job is really singing
Yes, Justin Bieber has a 6 pack
yes justin bieber really is 17
Half-Sister actually. but yeah, her name is Jazmyn Bieber <3
YES, It is called Justin Bieber Never Say Never! I bet it will be an awesome movie!
Justin bieber is really dead and somebody is replacing him
yes I think Justin Bieber is A-ok and really hot
yeah, but his full name's Justin - Drew Bieber