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Here are the steps of puberty ( for girls):

1. Breast Buds ( you might find a lump on your nipple and it might hurt when you run you hand over it)

2. Mood Changes ( might feel angry or sad, so don't worry if you think your going mad)

3. Pubic hair ( you might notice a lot of white hair on your vagina, after about a month it will turn black this means you have got pubic hair)

4. Sweating ( under arms, so by some deodorant, and under your knee crease)

5. Discharges ( yellowly stuff in your knickers that smells like fish this mean it's getting ready for your period)

6. Period ( a lot of browny sludge in your knickers, you will get this for 2-3 days after you get your first period, it will sting a bit, get some pantyliner, you will have this ever 21 days

7. Food cravings ( say you used to just like apples, once you hit puberty you will probally want to eat them all the time, other foods like meat you might go off when you hit puberty)


Yeah you've gone through everything for your first period.

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Q: What are the signs of periods?
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