get her pregnant and have her breast feed.
no it means that yhour breast are growing but if your between 10 and 13 pressing nipples dosent make ur breast enlarge the only thing is that just message them regularly n eat helathy foods
Yes, you can get pregnant even if you don't have nipples.
Possibly. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.
I think ice just makes the nipples erect, other than that I don't think it enlarges the whole breast.
well it depends.... if the females nipples hurt, that means the breasts are maybe sweling for breast milk flow, or they are uncomfotable. Not all pregnate women have their nipples hurt....
Missed period, breast tenderness or swollen nipples, morning sickness, headaches.
The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.
No. The only things that enlarge a breast is hormones. A male would have take female hormones to have a breast.
It varies for each person - sometimes breasts and nipples, sometimes just nipples and sometimes just breasts
yes. i have had 4 children and never suffered tender breasts with any of them