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Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?

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Q: Continuous sex for 2 weeks after periods and still getting period signs usually get breast pain 1 week prior to periods but this time 2 weeks prior to period date got breast pain can you be pregnant?
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If girl is pregnant will she get her periods?

No,that means either the baby has died,or you are not pregnant...

Can Irregular periods lead to miscarriages?

Usually when you're pregnant, you don't have periods at all - so they can't contribute to miscarriages. What irregular periods do most is make it a tad more difficult to figure out when to have sex to have the best chance of getting pregnant. The fix for that is fairly simple - have more sex.

If we get our periods then does it mean that we are not pregnant?

Usually but not necessarily. Some women can have one or two periods after they become pregnant but it is somewhat rare. The best way to see if you are pregnant is to get a test.

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not usually because if you do have them they are usually lighter than prepregnancy.

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If you get pregnant, you usually don't get periods!

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Yes, pregnant gerbils usually sleep for long periods of time. This is due to them getting tired from carrying heavy weights. No need to worry if they sleep alot, just make sure they eat and drink lots too.

Can you have your period when your giving birth?

Usually no, I'm not sure if its impossible, I mean, maybe in a rare case. But usually no, your periods late when your pregnant.

If your on your period can you still get pregnant?

When you are on/having your period, it is usually when you have one of the highest chances of getting pregnant.

If you usually have regular periods but you miss your period?

You might be pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test or go see a doctor.

How old can you be to not get pregnant?

well is usually late 40's 50's or even later, its when you have been though the 'change' when you stop having periods you no longer can get pregnant. :D

How can you get pregnant after miscarriage?

Same way you did before. About 1/4 women have a miscarriage and there are usually no problems getting pregnant afterwards.

Can I stop to born child after my last mensuration period if there is possible what kind of madicine I can use?

You cannot stop your menstruation, because once you are pregnant, you will not be able to see your periods until your baby is born.Women usually stop seeing their periods once they become expectant. Periods usually resume after the birth.