If you are going for a low glycemic diet that means you are going to have to watch out what type of foods you eat in order to control your high blood pressure. Some foods that you can eat are all bran cereals or bread, also some fruits that are good for you are cherries, plums and grapefruits.
Low Glycemic Index Diet!
You can find recipes on any GI site. Good sites to try are the-gi-diet and glycemic gourmet. There are some good recipes that you would not know are low in glycemic.
Go to http://allrecipes.com/Recipes/healthy-recipes/low-glycemic-impact/main.aspx. It has tons of recipes that you are looking for. It also has reviews based on people that has tried it for themselves.
The Glycemic Gourmet website includes tasty, easy-to-prepare low glycemic recipes. There are recipes for snacks, breaskfast, lunch, dinner, and much more. There are even recipes on how to make delicious desserts, which we all know are the typical downfall of diets, this website provides hope. www.glycemicgourmet.com/low-glycemic-recipes.html
This website http://www.glycemicgourmet.com/low-glycemic-recipes.html gives you recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner that are low glycemic index.
The glycemic diet focuses on eating foods with low glycemic indexes. This type of diet can help control insulin levels, heart conditions, and cause weight loss. The low glycemic fodds are easier to digest in your body.
Low glycemic recipes can help you lose weight or keep your blood sugar under control. The recipes use fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low fat meats. Fish and shellfish are low in saturated fats, so many recipes revolve around seafood for the main dish. Carbs are limited, but it does allow for whole grain breads and pastas. Before starting a low glycemic index diet, talk to your doctor about advice and what foods are good and bad.
In your normal recipes you can try using whole grain flour instead of white flour, brown rice instead of white rice. The best way to eat on a low glycemic diet is to have a salad once a day. You need a colorful salad so throw in red peppers, mushrooms, carrots and any other vegetable you would like.
WebMD is a great resource for all things medical. Using this site will give you information about Low Glycemic recipes, helping to determine if it is right for you.
Common ingredients for a low GI diet will usually be tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, green peppers, and mushrooms. Whole milk is also very common and has a low glycemic index of 31.
The Glycemic Impact Diet is based on the premise of how certain foods affect your insulin levels and thus the storage of fat in your body, particularly in reference to carbohydrates. Glycemic Impact Diet Recipes are designed to replace simple carbohydrates, such as white sugar and flour, with more complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, and vegetables. Glycemic Impact Diet Recipes intentionally use foods with a lower glycemic impact to help control and regulate the body's insulin response. When higher glycemic impact food are called for, they are used in smaller portion sizes in order to keep their glycemic impact relatively low.
A low glycemic diet will help diabetics by regulating blood sugars. It also works to encourage weight loss for those on the South Beach or Zone diets. Info can be found at http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/glycemic-index-diet