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There are is a strict diet program after gastric bypass surgery. After the surgery you will be on a strictly liquid diet for a few days. At this point you will gain nutrition from milk, soup broths, and cream soups. Gelatin might also be on that list. After you can eat soft foods such as yogurt, cheeses and some grounded meats and eventually you will work your way up to regular more 'normal' foods.

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Q: What diet programs are recommended after gastric bypass surgery?
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Gastric bypass surgery inruance information can be obtained from your local doctor, pysichian, or even your gastric bypass representative to help you.

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You can get information about what to do before getting a gastric bypass surgery from a local gastric bypass surgerical center. Ask them about information about this.

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RNY gastric bypass surgery is different than standard gastric bypass surgery because it only a small part of the stomach is used to create a pouch. This bypasses the stomach and upper part of large intestine.

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You have to be on a liquid diet prior to surgery to prepare your stomach for the upcoming gastric bypass surgery.

What is the best weight loss surgery program available?

Banding gastric bypass is a GREAT weight loss surgery program. It is recommended by a lot of people! To learn more about banding gastric bypass, check this website out.

Where can I find out about gastric bypass surgery in onterio?

Ontario, Canada offers many different places to have gastic bypass surgery. One of the most recommended is Ontario Bariatric Network; here is the website:

Where can I find out more about gastric bypass free?

You should talk to your doctor more about taking the gastric bypass surgery. Also, the hospital should have pamphlets on taking the gastric bypass surgery.

Where can I find information on bypass stomach surgery?

Yes there are many websites that can give you cost of the surgery. They are or