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Santa's Puzzle Mystery
  • Hide small presents around the house and take photos of their whereabouts. Print several copies of the photos on 8-inch-by-10-inch sheets of photo paper. Cut each photo individually into puzzle pieces and place the pieces in envelopes. Pass out the envelopes to each child or team and have them put the pieces back together to show them where the presents are hidden.

Pass the Present
  • Wrap a gift in several layers of wrapping paper. The number of layers depends on how long you want the game to last. The players sit in a circle and play Christmas Music in the background while passing the wrapped present from person to person. When the music stops, the person holding the present gets to remove one layer. Once the present gets down to one layer, the person holding it when the music stops again gets the gift.

    Stocking Guessing
    • Fill a stocking with Christmas objects, like an ornament, holly, a pine cone, a tape dispenser, etc., and tie the top of the stocking shut so players can't peak into it. Pass the stocking around and let each player feel what is inside. The players then write down as many objects as they think they can feel. The player who guesses the most correctly wins the game.

    Christmas Carol Pictionary
    • Write Christmas carols on slips of paper and split players into teams. Each team will choose one player to be the drawer. The drawers receive one of the papers and have to then draw out the song as their teammates guess what Christmas carol it is. The first team to figure it out gets a point. The team with the most points wins the game.

    Ornament Guess
    • When decorating your Christmas tree, take note of how many ornaments you place on the branches. On Christmas Day, take a poll from everyone to see who comes closest to accurately guessing the number of ornaments on the tree. The player who comes closest without going over receives a prize.

    Candy Canes
    • Play this game like you would play the card game Spoons. Put candy canes in the middle of a table (the number of candy canes should be the number of players minus one). Players sit around the table and try to collect four of a kind. Once a player does so, he reaches for a candy cane. If a player sees another player reach for a candy cane, he should reach for one also. The player who reaches last and ends up without a candy cane is out of the game. Continue playing until only one person is left.

    Wrap Superstars
    • Split players into teams and give each team three boxes, wrapping paper, tape and scissors. The object is to be the first team to wrap three presents. An assigned judge will critique whether the quality of the wrapping passes the test and who wins the game.

    Christmas Memory Game
    • Place a number of Christmas objects on a tray and bring it to a table where all the players are seated. Each player gets a pen and paper. Set the tray on the table for about 30 seconds. Then remove it from the players' sight, and have each player list as many objects as he can remember. The player who guesses the most correctly wins the game. You can also bring the tray back after removing one item and see if the players can guess which item was removed.

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