

Best Answer

Some words that can be made from the phrase 'Christmas Day' are:

  1. a
  2. acid
  3. acrid
  4. act
  5. ad
  6. admit
  7. ah
  8. aid
  9. aim
  10. air
  11. airy
  12. am
  13. amid
  14. arch
  15. arid
  16. as
  17. assay
  18. Asthma
  19. art
  20. at
  21. cad
  22. cam
  23. car
  24. cart
  25. cast
  26. cat
  27. cay
  28. Christ
  29. cram
  30. crash
  31. crass
  32. dairy
  33. dais
  34. dash
  35. dim
  36. dish
  37. dismay
  38. ditch
  39. dram
  40. dry
  41. had
  42. hair
  43. ham
  44. harm
  45. has
  46. hat
  47. hay
  48. hi
  49. hid
  50. him
  51. his
  52. hiss
  53. hit
  54. I
  55. id
  56. I'm
  57. is
  58. it
  59. mad
  60. maid
  61. mass
  62. mast
  63. mat
  64. math
  65. may
  66. mirth
  67. miss
  68. mist
  69. sad
  70. said
  71. sat
  72. say
  73. scam
  74. scat
  75. shad
  76. shady
  77. sham
  78. shard
  79. shay
  80. shim
  81. shirt
  82. shy
  83. smart
  84. smash
  85. smith
  86. sis
  87. staid
  88. stair
  89. star
  90. starch
  91. stay
  92. stir
  93. stray
  94. tam
  95. this
  96. tram
  97. tray
  98. trim
  99. try
  100. yacht
  101. yam
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Q: How many words can you make from phrase Christmas day?
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How many words can you find in Christmas party?

Some words that can be found using the letters of "Christmas party" are:PharmacistsHairspraysMatriarchsPatriarchsArmchairsArchaistArtistryAshtraysTramcarsPastramiSarcasmPrimaryScriptStarchStarryParishChimpsChattyChartsCrampAtticChirp

How many words can you make from the word Christmas?

Words that can be made from the letters in 'Christmas' are:aamarcarcharm, armsart, artsasashatcamcar, carscartcastcat, catschair, chairscharcharmchartchasmchatChrisChristcramhairham, hamsharshhashat, hatshihishisshit, hitsIisit, itsitchmamarch (March)mart, martsmashmassmastmat, matsmatchmathmintmirthmissmistracismram, ramsrat, ratsrichrimSamsashsatscamscarscatsirsissit, sits, satsmashstairstar, starsstarchstashstirtarthistram, tramstrashtrimtsar

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Words that can be made for the letters in Happy Holidays are:aadahahahahoyaidailAlpoalsoasashashydailydaisdaisydashdaydialdipdippydishdodoilyhahadhailhalohashashhayhihidHildaHilohiphippohippyhishohodholdholyhopHopiII'didIdaidolisladladylaidlaplashlaylidloloadloployalohoiloilyoldpapadpaidpailpalpappaypayolaphylapipipplaidplayplodplopployplypodpoipopposhsadsaidsaladsapsappysayshadshadyshipshoalshopshySidsilosipslapslayslidslipslopsloppysosoapsoapysodsodasoilsoldsolidsopsoppysoyspaspayspoilspyyayapyayyipyoYoda

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