a few common signs of PMS when you are about to get your period are cramping, irritability, headaches, tenderness of the breasts, stomachaches, and tiredness.
the biggest are tiredness, discharge, cramping, Back pain (lower back, or just your back in general)
There are a few signs a woman will get each month before her period. Mild cramping, mood swings, and an acne breakout are just a few of things that can occur.
Missed period, swollen and/or tender breasts, morning sickness are going to be the most obvious signs.
yes there are some signs that are the same a period signs but the realy tell tale signs are. -missing out a period -breast suddenly growing
Well some girls have signs before their period and before their first period. Every girl is different and some don't have signs but having signs means that your period is coming. ~Cramps ~Vaginal discharge ~Spotting (little bit of blood on your underwear) ~Headaches ~Backache ~Food Cravings ~Mood swings ~Fatigue ~Nausea
Blood and acting funny also.she noes it's going to happen to you sometime she's waiting fir it
There are specific signs that anyone can see.
I had this before my period started DONT WORRY basically it can be different for all girls mine lasted for a year all girls are unique but if it lasts very long be patient when you do get your period your gonna prob wish yours was more longer.BUT DONT WORRY! its normal and your very lucky to have this!
can you get pregnant if you have sex at the end of your period
Whenever I'm about to start, I get white discharge that's very sticky and also my breasts feel a little bit tender
Yes. But they can also be signs that your period is arriving soon
These ARE signs of pregnancy, but they are also signs of your period arriving. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period