Whenever I'm about to start, I get white discharge that's very sticky and also my breasts feel a little bit tender
Everyone is different but some signs may be: irritability, bloating, fatigue, cramping, and cravings.
There are a few signs a woman will get each month before her period. Mild cramping, mood swings, and an acne breakout are just a few of things that can occur.
yes there are some signs that are the same a period signs but the realy tell tale signs are. -missing out a period -breast suddenly growing
Well some girls have signs before their period and before their first period. Every girl is different and some don't have signs but having signs means that your period is coming. ~Cramps ~Vaginal discharge ~Spotting (little bit of blood on your underwear) ~Headaches ~Backache ~Food Cravings ~Mood swings ~Fatigue ~Nausea
signs are a late period, morning sickness, and getting a little bigger. some others are you get big u start to fell ashamed of ur self
many women start signs later or sooner than othe many have no symptoms through their pregnancy . signs for some start as soon as conception . hope this helps Most women tend to get pregnancy signs as soon as after four weeks after the due date of their next period.
Well,with some people,if you haven't had your first period yet,it could be a sign of it coming on.also,others signs of you getting ready to start a first period is the breasts getting bigger.
There is no way for certain some get cramps, bloating or light spotting as tip off signs before it happens but not all
Yes, they can be similar. Sore breasts, nausea etc are some.
No some people just don't get underarm hair.
Yes. You can experience signs in as little as four weeks, starting with your missed period. Some even feel signs as early as three weeks which would happen after implantation of a fertilized egg.
If you start acting strange.