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Drug Tolerance

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Q: The need for more drugs to achieve the same effectis called?
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Drugs that are formed from other drugs are called?

Ecstasy can be made of a variety of drugs including heroin. To be more exact, drugs that are formed from other drugs are called derivatives.

Does marijuana harm you?

Yes, but not as much as other drugs, however, it is sometimes called a "gateway" drug. Users of marijuana may be more likely to abuse other, more harmful drugs.

What are poly drugs?

In this instance, the word "poly" is a prefix meaning "many" or "multiple." For example, a poly-drug abuser is someone who abuses several different drugs.

Is it true or false that tolerance requires that you use more of the drug to achieve the same high or medical effect?

True, but not all drugs have a tolerance effect.

Why are gateway drugs called gateway drugs?

They're called 'gateway' drugs - simply because they're often a cheap way to get 'high'. However - they're still addictive and can often lead to the user trying harder (and more expensive) drugs.

Are there more illegal drugs than legal drugs in the United states?

In terms of the number of different drugs that are available, there are vastly more legal drugs than illegal drugs. I would also say that legal drugs are used more frequently and by more people than illegal drugs are.

Can any type of drugs hurt your sex?

Generally most drugs relating to PROZAC or the equivalent make it difficult to achieve orgasm. Some more than others. EffexorXL is another one that has less side effects. Yes Viagra,

Can you be able to handle drugs better the more you use them?

yes you build up whats called a tolerance. it takes more of a drug to get the desired high.

Is their a treatment for HIV?

Yes, there are over 25 approved HIV drugs (called 'antiretroviral' drugs). The are usually use in a combination of at least three active drugs. Some treatments include more than one drug in the same pill.

What is anelgesic?

Analgesics are any group of drugs which relives pain or simply called pain killers ,its meaning derived from greek an- ("without") and algos- ("pain").There are many classes of Drugs available among them paracetamol based drugs are more popular . then come anti inflammatory drugs(non steroid based) and other class is Opium and Morphine based class called opioid .

What drugs did the game use?

He Doesnt Use Drugs No More

What are some reasons why students are bringing drugs to school?

drug is addictive an the more the person take drugs the more the become dependant on it more frequently. people bring drugs to school is usually because they feel they need to use it during school time when their addiction kick in. another possible reason is to sell drugs or promote drug user. the more people use drugs, the more people get addicted to drugs and the more people would buy drugs and that is where greed on money steps in