Yes, but not as much as other drugs, however, it is sometimes called a "gateway" drug. Users of marijuana may be more likely to abuse other, more harmful drugs.
There is no real harm form smoking Marijuana
Marijuana can not harm you in any way shape or form. There has never ever been any deaths from smoking or eating marijuana.
well, marijuana is the best thing out there. it cant do any harm to you at all.
anything harms your body if you do to much of it.
Considering that Diabetes will qualify you for medical marijuana, I would say "no."
marijuana doesnt cause harm. If you think about it, it is less dangerous than alcohol and cigerettes. You never hear stories on the news saying that there was a car accident because someone was high off of marijuana, you here it about drunk driving. Marijuana isn't bad for you, it actually can lower stress and stuff.
A "bit" of marijuana will do no harm to the fetus, however habitual/daily smoking of marijuana (Or tobacco) will have adverse effects on the unborn baby.
Its not, its just the most well-known drug. I would say that marijuana is the healthiest and safest of all drugs.
Marijuana is not bad for you whatsoever, it is used medicinally for many different ailments, the benefits of using marijuana over traditional medicine is it is not addictive, has no harm towards your body, and can be ingested or inhaled. IT CANNOT KILL YOU!
The only thing is lung damage from the smoke but if you eat it its completely harmless