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The only thing is lung damage from the smoke but if you eat it its completely harmless

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Q: How does marijuana harm the body?
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Can marijuana harm your body?

anything harms your body if you do to much of it.

Can marijuana harm your liver?


How is marijuana bad?

Marijuana is not bad for you whatsoever, it is used medicinally for many different ailments, the benefits of using marijuana over traditional medicine is it is not addictive, has no harm towards your body, and can be ingested or inhaled. IT CANNOT KILL YOU!

Is smoking marijuana bad after getting a tattoo?

Smoking marijuana after getting a tattoo will cause no harm to your body. However, alcohol intake before getting a tattoo can cause excess bleeding.

What are some causes if you dont smoke marijuana?

There is no real harm form smoking Marijuana

What can marijuana do to you?

Marijuana can not harm you in any way shape or form. There has never ever been any deaths from smoking or eating marijuana.

Can marijuana make your hair fall out?

well, marijuana is the best thing out there. it cant do any harm to you at all.

Is marijuana harmful to the body?

no marijuana is good for you

Does stress harm an unborn baby more then marijuana would?


Is marijuana harm full if have diabetes type 2?

Considering that Diabetes will qualify you for medical marijuana, I would say "no."

What harm can marijuana do?

marijuana doesnt cause harm. If you think about it, it is less dangerous than alcohol and cigerettes. You never hear stories on the news saying that there was a car accident because someone was high off of marijuana, you here it about drunk driving. Marijuana isn't bad for you, it actually can lower stress and stuff.

If your pregnant and someone just finished smoking weed and kisses you can it affect the baby?

Simply put no. The THC in marijuana can only be absorbed into the body through inhalation or ingestion. Simply kissing a person who just smoked marijuana will not harm you or the unborn baby.