In Texas, marijuana is illegal. Maybe one day medical marijuana will be legal and even possibly marijuana in general.
In Texas, marijuana is illegal for recreational use and possession of any amount can result in criminal charges. Medical use of marijuana is restricted to a low-THC cannabis oil for specific medical conditions. Possession of even small amounts of marijuana can lead to fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record in Texas.
No, marijuana is not legal for recreational use in Texas. It is only permitted for limited medical use for patients with certain medical conditions.
In many places, possession of marijuana seeds is not necessarily illegal, but growing marijuana plants from those seeds may be illegal depending on the location's laws. It's always best to check your local laws and regulations regarding marijuana cultivation.
Marijuana is illegal for both medical and recreational use in Indiana. Possession of any amount of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor, with penalties varying based on the amount. Indiana does not have any current legislation allowing for the medical use of marijuana.
The legality of possessing or using marijuana wax can vary depending on the laws of the state or country in which you reside. In some places, possession of marijuana wax may be considered a felony due to its concentrated form. It is important to be aware of the laws in your area regarding marijuana and its derivatives.
In California, marijuana is legal for recreational and medical use for adults aged 21 and older. Adults can possess up to one ounce of marijuana for recreational use and cultivate up to six plants per residence. It is still illegal to consume marijuana in public spaces or while operating a vehicle.
Completely illegal. Ask the best drug officer on the planet, Barry cooper. He explains how the officers in Texas, as well as other places, handle marijuana "crimes".
DONT, but there is a law in Texas that it is the officers choice whether or not to report or arrest. they have the "option" of seizing the crop and leaving. grease the wheels
Both yes and no. Police like to make their own laws. Technically a marijuana seed is not marijuana, however police can charge a person with intent to distribute marijuana for having nothing but seeds. Consult Barry cooper, former drug officer of Texas and current marijuana rights expert. Go to or find him on social media.
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws was created in 1970.
no you can not bring marijuana to Texas i know bummer but its true people don't get out there and vote for it to be legal
A federal law illegalizing marijuana -- the Marijuana Tax Act -- was passed in 1937. However, many states, such as Iowa, Texas, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon, Arkansas, Wyoming, and Nevada, had already passed state laws illegalizing marijuana in the 1920s. See the Related Links below for more information.
Under federal laws, marijuana is 100% illegal. BUT, california, under state laws, legalized medicinal marijuana. It's weird. In California, weed is legal AND illegal at the same time, jut under two different laws, state and federal
No, it is not. It is against their religion and their laws.
No, not in Texas. Some states do have such laws but not Texas.