if it is seeping a lot of white pus then that's not normal but if it is only a little bit then it is okay.You might have white/yellow fluids draining from your piercing and probably forming a crust. That's perfectly fine but pus is not.
This is normal and just part of the healing phase for your tongue piercing, this will go away in a few days.
The whitish discharge from the piercing is lymphatic matter and will do not harm it's the normal discharge a piercing will create as it's healing.
This sounds like normal, perfectly healthy pus. It is fine as long as it says white or clear and has no smell.
That is lymphatic discharge and is normal in any new piercing, this will ease off as the piercing heals and toughens.
You will havea white/yellow/clear discharge it is just flushing out anything in the piercing. It's just a sign of healing.
a small amount should be normal as the pericing is healing so just continue to clean it reguarly. however if this carries on after the recommended healing time (about 6-8 weeks i think?) then you may have an infection particularly if it is yellowish / discoloured / bleeding i had the crusty stuff at first when i got my nose pierced but ive never had any problems with it.
It is like some kind of tissue coming out, you need to put some rubbing alcohol on it.
the white stuff is the vaginal discharge which is normal and is a sign of ovulation
it's perfectly normal as part of the healing process, however, you still need to clean it right, and with the correct stuff, whether that is salt water solution, Savlor etc :D If you carry on cleaning it right, you should find that the white fluid will be reduced, and it will heal properly :D
Yes, It's completely normal. Just continue to clean it.
The white stuff is dead white blood cells, which means you have an infection. Clean the earrings using a mild disinfectant. Use an antibiotic cream on your ears. That should clear it up.
That is the tongues version of a scab and it will go away in a few days.