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Yes. Ask your doctor about it. However, do not ask for the morning after pill unless you need emergency contraception.

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Q: Is their a pill you can take to make your period start?
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What is a sugar pill and what does it do?

A sugar pill is what women take to start their period. It allows the period to start.

Can you start the pill without having your period?

Your are suppose to start the birth control pill the Sunday after your period. If you haven't had a period its best to take a pregnancy test to make sure your not pregnant. If you test is negative then you can go to your gyne doctor and they can give you a pill to start your period.

What pill can you take to bring on your period earlier?

There is no such pill. Your period is part of your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle to make your period start earlier than it is due.

If you take the pill when you start your period will it stop?

yes it will stop. i have taken the pill on my first day an its work

What if you have been off the pill for three weeks and want to start again?

To start the pill again you take it on the first day of your next period.

Will loestrin stop your period?

My doctor said that it can stop your period. This pill is to lighten and shorten the length of your period. This pill has more days in which you actually take the bc pill. Other bc pills have like 4 fewer days then you take the sugar pills. If you want to have your period while taking this pill just disregard the last real pill. It should make your start your period. If not skip the last 2. I would talk to your doctor first.

When you take your last birth control pill when will your period start again?

About 3-4 days after the last pill.

When do you start your new pack of birth control pills?

You start your new pack of pills when you finish your old pack. Lets say you had you last pill on a Wednesday, you then start your new pill on Thursday. If its your first pack you have ever taken then you either start your first pill on the day you start your period or on the Sunday during your period. At first you period will not go with the pill correctly; it my take a month or two for your period to adjust.

I was supposed to start my period on Sunday but I started the pill before I started bleeding?

The pill is kind of a way in making your body thinking its pregnant (progesterone) If you take this pill before your expected period it will throw off your menstrual cycle..You should take the pill regularly and not take it for 7 days. this is when you should get your period. A doctor should tell you to start the pill after your period...( a Sunday is a good day). some times there are 7 different colored pills...which are sugar pills...they have no effects on your body....they just remind you when to start a new pack.

You just got a prescription to birth contol and you started your period do you take the active pill or the sugar pill?

If you just got them then i would wait until sunday or the day after you stop your period and you will start with pill number 1 then go to the sugar pills which you take while you are on your period!

If you started your period on Friday and you want to start birth control do you start on Sunday pill or Friday pill?

I would start on that Sunday. I took the pill for years and started the new pack 2-3 days after my period started. It is just important that you start to take them again otherwise they don't work.

What does the pill do to your period?

the pill can make your periods lighter, shorter and can reduce/get rid of period pains. there are a few side effects, slight weight gain, nausea and tender breasts. you take the pill for 21 days, and on the 7days you do not take it you will have your period, and when your are done you continue taking the pill, and the cycle continues.