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You start your new pack of pills when you finish your old pack. Lets say you had you last pill on a Wednesday, you then start your new pill on Thursday. If its your first pack you have ever taken then you either start your first pill on the day you start your period or on the Sunday during your period. At first you period will not go with the pill correctly; it my take a month or two for your period to adjust.

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Q: When do you start your new pack of birth control pills?
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If you get your period in the middle of a pack of birth control pills do you need to start a new pack?

No. Continue taking your pills as scheduled, regardless of any bleeding.

Use condom every time you start a new pack of birth control pills?

When you start a new pack of birth control pills, you have immediate pregnancy protection as long as you started that pack on time and took the previous pack correctly. Condoms will provide additional pregnancy and disease prevention, but aren't required every time you start a new pack.

Should my period start the first day after I am through the hormone pills in a birth control pack?

Hi, Your question is: Should my period start the first day after I am through the hormone pills in a birth control pack?Not necessarily no. Your period will arrive anytime during the 7 days when your on the placebo pills or not taking any pills.

Is the days in birth control pills interchangeable?

The days in birth control pills are not interchangeable.

When do birth control pills start their effect When will the female become less fertile the pills actually start working How many days?

When taking the birth control pills you still have a monthly cycle. That is what the different color pills are for in your pack. So that you still have your cycle every month.

What happens to your menstrual cycle if you start birth control pills two Sundays after period ended?

you will get your period when you start taking your "period" placebo pills in your pack

Can you start a new pack of birth control when youre in the middle of the sugar pills to stop your period?

Yes, you can start a new pack of birth control pills in the middle of the sugar pills to skip your period. Just start the new pack right after finishing the active pills, skipping the sugar pills altogether. It's best to consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your pill schedule.

What if you get all green pills birth control?

If you have a pack of 28 green birth control pills, you're probably on Micronor.

If you start your period 4 pills from the end of the pack should I continue to take remaining pills of the pack?

You should take your birth control pill as directed regardless of any bleeding. Just keep taking the pills on schedule.

If you have not started the birth control Yasimin on the first day of your period is it possible to start it two weeks later?

You can start the pack whenever you like. However, unless you take the first pill on the first day of your period, the entire first pack is ineffective as birth control, and you must use a back-up for the entire first pack. If you take your pills properly, once you start taking the active pills of your second pack, it's considered effective. This is true for the first time you're taking birth control pills, as well as if you start a new brand.

Can you start a new pack of birth control pills a day early?

Starting a pack of birth control pills a day early does not increase the risk of pregnancy; in fact, it may decrease the risk. Continue taking your pills as normal. Your period will just arrive a day early that's all.

What will happen if you are unable to start a new pack of birth control pills until a week after the end of your period?

During the last week of your pills you are taking placebo pills. There are no hormones in placebo pills that have hormones to protect you from pregnancy. However, if you have been properly taking your birth control every day at the same time, during this week you will start your menstrual cycle, and you will still be protected from pregnancy. All you have to do is finish all the pills in the pack, each month. Also, you do not have to take the placebo pills because there aren't any hormones in them. You must however, not get off track starting your birth control, you must start your new pack of pills the same way you began taking the birth control.