Your question may not be very clear, although breathing requires the inhilation of air, to deliver oxygen where it is needed and remove carbon dioxide. Thus solid breath is bad for you
bad breath.
Some one with bad breath has halitosis.
If sir has not brushed sir's teeth, then sir has bad breath.
Yes - bad breath is the meaning of halitosis
yes, piles causes bad breath
i wouldnt say bad breath would run in the family i would say you would get bad breath if you dont brush your teeth
Yeah, kinda. My dog died because of a blatter tumor and she had bad breath. But, all dogs have bad breath so...
90% of bad breath comes from bacteria and residue on the tongue
Not illness just bad breath germs and bacteria
you will have bad breath if you do not brush your teeth oviously, also it depends on what do u eat
An unclean oral piercing could cause bad breath.
your bad breath