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Some say it is good for you, some say it's bad.

It's all about what you believe.

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9mo ago

Marijuana can have negative effects on the brain, especially in developing brains. It can impair memory, cognition, and learning abilities. Long-term or heavy use can also increase the risk of mental health disorders such as psychosis.

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Q: Is marijuana bad for your brain?
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Why is marijuana bad for your brain?

Marijuana can impair memory, concentration, and cognitive functions because it affects the brain's regions responsible for these functions. Prolonged use of marijuana can also lead to addiction and have harmful effects on brain development in adolescents.

What drugs impact the brain's cannabinoid receptors?

Cannabinoid receptors in the brain can be impacted by drugs like THC (found in cannabis/marijuana) and synthetic cannabinoids (e.g., Spice/K2). These compounds can mimic the effects of natural cannabinoids in the brain, leading to alterations in mood, memory, and perception.

Does marijiuna kill your brain cells?

There is evidence that heavy and prolonged marijuana use can affect cognitive functions, but it is not accurate to say that it "kills" brain cells. Studies have shown that marijuana use can impair memory, attention, and executive functioning, especially in adolescent users whose brains are still developing. It is important to consider individual factors such as frequency and amount of use when evaluating the impact on brain health.

What is the addictive ingredient in marijuana?

The addictive ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It activates the brain's reward system, leading to the potential for addiction in some individuals.

What of the neurotransmitters are associated with Marijuana?

The main neurotransmitter associated with marijuana is dopamine, which is responsible for regulating pleasure, movement, and motivation. Marijuana use can increase dopamine levels in the brain, resulting in feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Additionally, marijuana can also affect other neurotransmitters such as serotonin and GABA.

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Why is marijuana bad for your brain?

Marijuana can impair memory, concentration, and cognitive functions because it affects the brain's regions responsible for these functions. Prolonged use of marijuana can also lead to addiction and have harmful effects on brain development in adolescents.

Is it okay for my 15 year old girls to smoke marijuana as long as they keep their grades up?

No. Marijuana is bad for the heath and the brain.

Does marijuana use increase dopamine in brain?

does marijuana use increase dopamine in the brain

Is smoking weed bad for your lumgs?

Inhaling smoke from anything is bad for your lungs and kills brain cells, whether it be from cigarettes, marijuana, or your bbq grill.

What are the precautious of Marijuana?

Dont smoke it. Eat it, vaporize it, drink it. Smoking anything kills brain cells and and is bad for your lungs.

What can stimulate the brain like marijuana does?

THC is the only chemical that can stimulate the brain exactly like marijuana can and THC is only found in marijuana and Marinol.

What effects your brain more alcohol or marijuana?

Alcohol has been proven to danger the brain as well as other organs. Marijuana has been proven to benefit the brain. The rumor that marijuana hurts brain cells comes from an experiment done in the 70's where they nearly suffocated 3 monkeys with marijuana smoke. Lack of oxygen killed some of their brain cells, not the marijuana itself.

Why marijuana is bad for your health?

Marijuana is not bad for your health because its like a medicine.What it is bad for is that it causes your brain to make dopamine and it has also been known to cause paranoia.It also takes the pain away for example a headache or stomach etc. If you do too much of it though then is it bad for your lungs and it also makes you slow.

Is smoking weed when you have a concussion bad?

I'm guessing no one knows, but that you'd be nuts to do it. Your brain is hurt. Let it heal.

Marijuana good or bad for us?

Good. They say it's bad so that you will stay away from it. But, if it was bad then cancer patients couldn't use it, someone would have died from it by now and I tried marijuana. Want to know what happened? My seizures, depression and insomnia stopped and u recovered from brain three brain surgeries in 5 months.

How does Marijuana affect the brain?

Marijuana may cause memory loss.