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Marijuana is not physically addictive, and their for it does not contain an "addictive ingredient"

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9mo ago

The addictive ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It activates the brain's reward system, leading to the potential for addiction in some individuals.

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Q: What is the addictive ingredient in marijuana?
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Is marijuana or cafeine more addictive?

Caffeine, by a wide margin. Marijuana is addictive over long-term heavy use. Caffeine users can become addicted in a matter of a few weeks. (We know that we will get comments from people who do not want to believe marijuana is addictive. We have worked with recovering addicts for years, and can assure you from personal observation of many patients that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, exhibits all of the characteristics of an addictive drug in heavy users.)

Cannabis is an addictive drug true or false?

false. Marijuana is psychologically addictive. There is not a addictive substance in marijuana

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Marijuana is generally considered non-chemically addictive.

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Tobacco is much, much more addictive than marijuana. The active ingredient in tobacco (nicotine) is physically addictive (meaning, there are physical withdrawal symptoms when you quit smoking). The active ingredient in marijuana (THC) is NOT physically addictive.Furthermore, many studies have shown that nicotine is at least as addictive, if not more addictive, than heroin. The same cannot be said of marijuana.

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No strain of marijuana has any addictive properties. Marijuana is used to treat addiction.

Can you become physically addicted to marijuana?

Marijuana is not addictive.

Can Marijuana psychologically addictive?

Anything can become psychologically addictive.

Is marijuana a addictive?

NO it isnt

How can people tell that marijuana is addicted?

There is nothing in Marijuana that is addictive. In other products like cigarettes there is nicotine, but in marijuana there is no addictive properties. Also there is no withdrawals when you stop using marijuana.

What makes your body want marijuana?

Nothing, Marijuana is non-addictive.

Is marijuana used in Pepsi?

Marijuana is not an ingredient in Pepsi.

How many kids are addicted to marijuana?

0.Marijuana is a non-addictive substance.