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Q: What of the neurotransmitters are associated with Marijuana?
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What effect does cannabis have on the neurons?

Marijuana is considered agonistic- it enhances the effects of neurotransmitters.

Is marijuana associated with a religion?

Yes, it is associated with Rastafarian religion.

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Does marijuana affect your neurones?

It is my understanding that marijuana slows down the connection between your neurotransmitters. This is the reason why it can be helpful against epileptic seizures as when these seizures occur, your neurons are being transmitted in uncontrolled rapid bursts (needs confirmation).

What penalties are associated with marijuana use?

Penalties include fines and imprisonment.

What are some of the dangers associated with advancements in police technology?

That they will make a mechanism that will detect marijuana.

Is the nautical star associated with marijuana?

To the best of my knowledge I have never heard of the nautical star being associated with marijuana.....Now this does not mean that a localized group of people in your area might be using these as a 'call sign' to each other....Hope this helps.....TatuBaron

Why is fear associated with marijuana legalization?

Fear is associated with the legalization of cannabis, becasue fear was used to make it illegal. Search for the video, Reefer Madness.

What are two possible long-term effects of marijuana use?

There is no conclusive evidence of negative long term side effects associated with the use of marijuana. The euphoric effects of marijuana only last up to three hours.