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If this is not normal for you, you should go and speak to your doctor or gynaecologist

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Q: Is it safe when a woman bleed for 14 to 20 days?
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Can a dog in heat bleed longer than 14 days?

They are in heat 21 days and only bleed the last week if you dog is bleeding for more than 4 to 7 days callyour vet please

How many days can you know that a woman is pregnant?

14 days after conception a woman can determine pregnancy with a pregnancy test.

When was Bleed It Out created?

Bleed It Out was created on 2007-08-14.

Which days are the most fertile days for a woman?

Roughly 14 days after her last period, although it is possible to get pregnant at any time

Is it possible to be fertile 9 days after your pd?

Answer no it has to be about 14 days Answer A woman can get pregnant anytime after her period. So do not assume you can't. Answer It differs for every woman, so yes, you can be.

When is a woman most firtile?

During ovulation, which generally occurs approximately 14 days after the first day of a woman's period.

How long after you get your tongue pierced is it safe to switch the ring?

2 weeks (14 days)

What is the safe time to avoid pregnancy?

10 to 14 days after the first day of your period.

How many days does it take for a woman to ovulate after her period?

Generally about 2 weeks (14 days). This does vary with each person, however.

What days can you get pregnant out of one month?

For every woman it is different. If you have a 28 day cycle then typically you ovulate (release an egg) 14 days after the first day of your cycle. Then, we assume that four days before to four days after THAT day are fertile days. That is when a woman can conceive.

Would a blood test taken 5 days after ovulation be accurate?

No, that is too early, you should really be 10-14 days after to be safe.. I'd really recommend even 12-14 days.. ~pawsalmighty

How much do staffys bleed in heat?

All dogs are different, but it is usually not more than a few drops a day. Of course, some dogs bleed more heavily than others but this will only last for 10-14 days.