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If "safe" means free of concern about pregnancy or general health;

There is nothing inherently "unsafe" to either partner about sex during a woman's menstrual cycle.

IF "safe" means free of concerns about STD's or other infections, NO! You can still give & get diseases during the period! Condoms or abstinence is the "Safe" route.

Some women find it uncomfortable and others find sex during their cycle comforting. Each to their own experiences & preferences in the matter.

Women are not fertile during their cycle and there is no chance of pregnancy. If either partner has a disease, virus or Blood borne disease It is possible to transfer those conditions during sexual intercourse.

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Q: Is it safe to have intercourse during my menstrual period?
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What if a guy came on your hands then you washed them and a little later went to the bathroom. Are you safe from pregnancy if this was the first day you started your period?

If you don't know the answer to this, you should not be having sex. The answer is yes, you are safe. You were never not safe.

Why are vaccines tested over a long period of time?

To make sure they are effective and safe to use in the general population.

Whether it is safe not to use condom 8 days before and after the periods?

a girl can get pregnant anytime, the whole "this many days before or this many days after my period i cant get pregnant" is a myth, shes just as likely to get pregnant no matter when her period was. you should always use birth control if you are not ready for a baby.

How does method work?

This is also known as the rhythm method. The idea behind this method is to work out on what days you ovulate. However Generally speaking a woman ovulates in the middle of her menstrual cycle. For example If a woman has a 28 day menstrual cycle she ovulates on the 14 th day after the first day of her menstruation (periods). If you take into account that the mans sperm can stay alive within a woman after being ejaculated for about 4 days That would mean you are at risk of becoming pregnant if you have sex on the 10 th day after the first day of your periods. When you ovulate on day 14 the ovum wil stay viable for about 2 days before breaking up. this means that you will definitely be likely to become pregnant on day 10 through to amd including day 16. If the ovum is not fertilized by sperm it wil break up and hormones wil be activated that will bring on your next period. If you are considering this method for avoiding pregnancy I would avoid sex between days 8 and 18 to be on the safe side. If your menstrual cycle is regular you are also taking extra risk by not using a condom.

Missed period but showed up 2 days later after intercource ran for 2 days as against the normal 5 days and blood was light?

i would think you will be fine but take a test to be on the safe side ?

Related questions

When to have intercourse and not to get pregnant?

Do the intercourse in the safe period. It normally starts from 5 days before the cycle and 10 days after the menstrual cycle.

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Yes it is very safe

How many days after your period is your safe period?

There is no 'safe' period. Pregnancy can occur at any time during your menstrual cycle.

Is it safe blood test during menstrual period?

that's fine..

Is it safe to have intercourse just after the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, unless a woman is pregnant or on hormonal birth control then during her reproductive years she is always in her menstrual cycle. A woman can have sex at any point in her menstrual cycle as long as she uses birth control.

Is it safe to have intercourse 3 days before your period?

Yes. Perfectly. However, if you wanted to avoid pregnancy, then you MUST use contraception. As you can get pregnant at any point during intercourse. Whether you are on your period or not.

Is it safe to have intercourse 7 days before and after your period?

Yes it is safe

Is it safe for females to urinate during intercourse?

Messy but it is safe.

What are the safe days for intercourse?

You're never safe from getting pregnant. True, at some moments during your period it's a little less likely, but you're never a 100% safe.

Is it safe to have intercourse the day that follows the end of your period?


What are safe days in the menstrual period?

The menstrual period is the time in which you are menstruating, I think that you mean your menstrual cycle. Safe days are days you can have sex without getting pregnant, you can only know these days if you were using fertility awareness method as a form of birth control.

Is it safe to have intercourse on the 5th day of period?

It is safe at any time, but do you ask in respect of falling pregnant?