Yes. Perfectly. However, if you wanted to avoid pregnancy, then you MUST use contraception. As you can get pregnant at any point during intercourse. Whether you are on your period or not.
Please don't type "the following" if you don't provide a list.The tan and cot functions have a shorter period than sine and cosine.
It's NEVER safe to have unprotected sex. Use some form of contraception, risking it isn't worth it.
it is extremely safe.
If the rungs on your ladder are not parallel, then your ladderis not safe to climb and should be replaced.
Hyth, correct spelling Hythe, is a village on the south east coast of Kent, England. The word Hythe is derived the the Old English word for haven, or safe harbor. There is also a Hythe in Hampshire and in Essex.
Yes it is safe
Do the intercourse in the safe period. It normally starts from 5 days before the cycle and 10 days after the menstrual cycle.
Only if you use protection. It's possible to get pregnant at any time.
What do you mean by safe days? During your period or before you ovulate? Explain please :)
If you mean sexual intercourse then it's unwise to rely on any so-called safe period. Get proper contraception.
The first and last seven days counting from the first day of menstrual cycle are known to be safe days for intercourse. However possibility of occurance of pregnancy cannot be completely ruled out even in this period..It is therefore advisable to consult the relevant doctor before going ahead.
You're never safe from getting pregnant. True, at some moments during your period it's a little less likely, but you're never a 100% safe.
It depends on what you mean by "safe intercourse." In using any method of birth control there is always a potential of getting pregnant. Nothing is 100% effective except for not having sex. So, yes, there is a possibility that you may be pregnant.
It is safe at any time, but do you ask in respect of falling pregnant?
Yes. The only safe time really is the first days of your period. You can start ovulating again after you've had a period.