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No it is not. You should see a doctor and have it checked out.

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Q: Is it normal to have a period for a whole month and the next month to not have a period?
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Will your period become heavier then normal if you take Advil one month and not the next?

No, your period will not become heavier than normal if you take Advil one month and not the next. Taking Advil will not effect your periods in this way.

I just got my period last month and i don't think i have stress but i missed a month of period. Is it normal?

The first few years periods can be all over the place early one month late the next. Perfectly normal.

When will be your next normal period after miscarriage?

you'll just go through a change in your menstrual cycle but then after a month it would be normal.

What does it mean when you get your period twice in one month after taking plan b but the next month no period?

Your menstrual cycle basically reset after you took the Plan B. Wait a month from your last period, not from your normal cycle.

What if your period switch up days every month how do you know if you are pregnant?

It's normal for the length of a woman's period to vary from month to month. Anthing between about 26 days to 35 days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period is normal. It is not reasonable to expect your period to come on the same day every month. You know if you are pregnant if your period is a week late and your pregnancy test is positive.

If your period starts on the 21 when is your next period?

the 21 of the next month?

If you skip the sugar pills in your birth control pack and start up a new pack will you skip your period for that month or the following month?

You will not have a period the week you would otherwise have taken your sugar pills. It should be normal the next month.

Is it normal to miss your period the next month while taking Yaz birth control?

I've been on yaz for 5 months and never miss a period

When you get your very first Depo-Provera shot is it possible not to get your period at all?

yes.i was on depo for a soon as i got it for the 1st time then next month i stopped having my period.then when i got off it the next month i started my period back like normal

Your period has been late a couple of days and then you missed a whole month and then it came the next could you be pregnant?

take a pregnancy test

Had unprotected sex then after 2 weeks had a normal period then no sex happened until next month the next period is light Is there any possibility of pregnancy?

use sex toys! I recommend you this site

You had a normal period a couple days after sex and then the next month it was early and not as long you did have a uti can you be pregeant?

Nope your not pregnant. Can't be pregnant you had your period. It sounds like you want to be pregnant.