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You will not have a period the week you would otherwise have taken your sugar pills. It should be normal the next month.

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Q: If you skip the sugar pills in your birth control pack and start up a new pack will you skip your period for that month or the following month?
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Can you change the time your period comes the following month?

You can change the time your period comes the following month if you are on certain types of birth control. For example, finishing a pack of birth control pills early will make your period come earlier the next month.

Can taking 4 days of birth control pills and then quitting cause a skipped period the following month?

Yes, 4 days of birth control can cause an irregular period as the birth control messes up your hormones and throws your body's natural rhythm out of whack.

Why would I have my period twice in a month and on birth control?

Birth control can cause this to happen don't worry

Can you get pergnent from only taking birth control pills twice in just one month alone?

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Do you get your period every month if you are on birth control?

Yes you should

You were on birth control for one month and off for a month Now you have missed a period what cause this?


What if you stopped taking birth control and the following month your period only lasted for 3 days?

A three-day period may be your new normal, may be a fluke due to recently stopping birth control, or may be due to pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

Does birth control affect your period?

It shouldn't if you take it properly. Birth control can be used to make your period more predictable & controlled. For example, I prefer my period at the beginning of the month because I expect it then. Mentally I just know new month, period is coming.

If you had a regular period your entire life and I'm on birth control but didn't get a period this month and pregnancy test was negative What is wrong?

Unfortunately, birth control stops your period, but sometimes, things go wrong and it PERMANENTLY stops your period. HOWEVER, if it's only been a month, then you have nothing to worry about! Birth control STOPS your period so you don't have to worry!

Forgot one month of birth control pills no period?

Ask your doctor

Can you suppress a period by starting birth control less than a month before vacation?

Hi, You can stop your period from arriving by continuing to take the active birth control pills.

Whatb else can i do to have a period?

I have been on birth control for a month now. I have finished a pack and still have not had a period. What else can I do?