Depends on the woman, but 30 days is in the norm. It can be less or more.
A normal period can be 3-7 days long.
It's normal for the length of a woman's period to vary from month to month. Anthing between about 26 days to 35 days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period is normal. It is not reasonable to expect your period to come on the same day every month. You know if you are pregnant if your period is a week late and your pregnancy test is positive.
Yes. A period as short as one day is considered normal.
My period has came consistently every 45-47 days. The way I see (I'm no doctor) is that as long as it's consistently coming every 46 days there is no problem. Although you might want to get checked out just to be safe!
Yes, I do it too, its a brownish color.
yes, you can actually have a normal period every month during your pregnancy
We don't know how long your period lasted. If you have a period every 28 days, your next period will start two days earlier than the one you just had. If you had a period on the 12th, your next one will come on the 10th.
Generally every 28 to 30 days.
It is normal to have your period for eight days but only if it is normal - spotting.
Yes, you can have a period for six days then spotting for three days after that. Every woman's menstrual cycle is different, what is normal for one woman may not be for another.
a womans period should come at an average of every 28 days
why my period is come every week and 3to 4 days.