We don't know how long your period lasted. If you have a period every 28 days, your next period will start two days earlier than the one you just had. If you had a period on the 12th, your next one will come on the 10th.
Probably 90 days or so...
Wish I knew sorry hun
The sound the same "How many days you will live in a hell?Answer: till God will help to come back to surface
It most likely will come. Periods don't have clocks attached and many things can cause a period to be late several days. If you have been sick or under stress this can cause a late period. It will happen.
its more about when conception happened. 2 weeks after conception take a test. usually tests will tell you a few days after missed period.
14 days before your period starts.
Cats often come into heat every couple of weeks, with a gestation period of around 63 days. A Queen will often come back into heat when the kittens are weaned (around six to eight weeks). So, a female cat can have many, many litters during her lifetime.
28 days
15 days
about 2 weeks to a month
There are no days before your period, when you already are pregnant. As soon as you are pregnant your next due period at the 4th will not come. When you are without periods for 2 months, it is very likely that you are pregnant. Many women don't know, that after 10 days after their last period, they are in a period of another 10 days that hey can become pregnant. Mostly it is only 7 days. So that means that 21 days between your period you cannot become pregnant. Short: Period + 10 days free. + 8 days pregnancy possible. + 10 days free. Dr. Phylopi
28 days