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why my period is come every week and 3to 4 days.

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Q: What does it mean when you spot for a week have a late period followed by a light period?
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What does it mean when you are spotting and you late on your period but you test negative on the pregnancy test?

It means you are either having a very light period already, or it is still coming.

What does it mean when your period is light red and pink and late?

Go take a pregnancy test one that has three in the box to be sure.

What does it mean if your period is light and stops early?

late-later (in days) than expected. Short-shorter (in days) than normal, Light-light flow.

What does it mean if you are fifteen days late from your period?

If you are sexually active then you could be pregnant but if not then you could just having a late or irregular period.

Im am 4 days late for my period am i pregnant?

A late period dosent always mean you are pregnant, You could just have a late peroid. But you might want to check.

What does it mean if im 5 days late for my period?

It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.

What does it mean if 3 days after your period you start spotting light pink discharge?

what does it mean you start to have a light pink discharge after your period

You had what you thought was implantation bleeding on the 6th of August but after being a week late you get a light period does this mean you are not pregnant?

I would test just to be sure. You can have bleeding in early pregnancy.

What does it mean if your not pregnant but haven't started your period?

Depending on how "late" you are...... It may simply mean that your period is late. The body doesn't run like the clock on your wall. If your following period does not start when it should have....... Go see your doctor to get checked out.

Your period is very light what does this mean?

Your lucky

What does it mean when your period comes late 2 months straight?
