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It is consented but in a way it still is cheating on them

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Q: Is having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse considered cheating even if you have your spouse's consent?
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Do you have to be 16 to have sexual intercourse with someone over 18?

Laws regarding the age of consent vary by jurisdiction. In many places, the legal age of consent is 16 or 18, and having sexual intercourse with someone under the legal age of consent may be considered statutory rape, regardless of the age of the other person. It's important to be aware of the laws in your specific location.

How do you know am cheating on my husband?

Because you're having sexual intercourse with someone else.

Is it considered cheating if a married woman sleeps with another woman?

If the relationship is exclusive and closed, and her partner does not know what she doing with another person, that is considered cheating regardless of who she sleeps with. If she does this with knowledge and consent of her partner, then it is not. Then, it just means their relationship is open.

What is considered a virgin?

Someone who has never engaged in sexual intercourse.

If someone fingered you while you were dating is that considered cheating?

yes, it is

What do you call having intercourse with someone drugged?

It would be classed as rape, as the drugged person is unable to consent to sex.

Is it considered cheating if you pay someone to do your homework if it doesn't include projects or anything graded?

Yes! Of course it is cheating.

If a relationship is on and off in between you end up hooking up with someone else is that considered cheating?

No it is not. You aren't with that other person when you are dating someone else. That is not cheating.

Can you have intercourse with someone who is 21 if you are 16?

It would be legal in most places. There are a few where the age of consent is 17 or 18 and it would be an issue.

Is kissing someone else considered cheating?

If it was in a romantic way then yes it does count as cheating. If it was just a friendly peck then you're fine.

Is meeting a coworker at a park to make out with them and touch considered cheating?

If you're with somebody and you meet with someone else that is single, then yes it is cheating. If you're not with somebody and your single and meeting with someone that is also single then no your not cheating. If you are single and the person your meeting is in a relationship then yes that to is cheating.

Can a person give consent for sex if they've been drinking alcohol?

No. Someone who has been drinking is considered incapable of giving consent.