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or Adultery......affairs

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Q: What is the word for when you cheat on someone with a different person?
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Related questions

What is the plural for cheat?

The word 'cheat' is a noun as a word for someone who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage; a fraud or swindle; a word for a person or a thing.The noun forms of the verb to cheat are cheater and the gerund, cheating.

What is a three letter word for to cheat?

"To cheat" in the case of doing it to someone can mean "to gyp" or "to con" them.

What is another word for a cheat a dishonest person?


What is the Meaning of cheat?

The meaning of the word "cheat" is getting an answer through looking at someone else's answer. This means that you learn nothing, except how to not learn.

What does loused mean?

The word louse different definitions. It can mean that someone is a unpleasant person and it can refer to a parasitic insect.

What does the word conventional looking mean?

Someone who looks ordinary rather than different. Just a usual person

When to use where and were?

They are completely different words. Were is the plural past tense of the word 'are." Where is a word to tell a person or thing's location, and wear is a verb to tell what someone has on.

What is the definition of the word quirky?

A person who has strange or unusual behavior is said to be quirky. - Someone who is unusual, weird, kooky or different.

When to use were where and wear?

They are completely different words. Were is the plural past tense of the word 'are." Where is a word to tell a person or thing's location, and wear is a verb to tell what someone has on.

Is the word someone a pronoun?

Yes, "someone" is a pronoun. It is an indefinite pronoun used to refer to an unspecified person.

What is another word for the word someone?

a stranger or person, somebody

What is a word to describe someone who loves someone for their looks?

When someone thinks they are in love with a person who is very attractive they have no idea what love is because looks fade and it is what is inside the person that counts. The word for such a person is 'shallow.'