Oh yeah. I would consider it cheating. It's oral "SEX." It's an intimate thing to do, and it's for sure cheating!!!
* If you are legally separated then no, you are not cheating by sleeping with someone else, but remember ... she could be doing the same thing.
no, its not, but it still bad and don't do it
I had the same question and i dont really think it is as long as the other person doesnt find out! Yes because if its a secret then its cheating It is cheating, but having sex would be, like, FULL cheating. Know what I mean? Everything has different degrees of cheating. It is cheating, as long as it's something you don't want them (your own partner) to be doing. So an open relationship isn't cheating.
ANSWER: Afraid not, we all have the rights to like someone who are nice to us. We all have 5 senses and what you are feelings is attraction that comes from our heart. Now if this person you like is single you are safe as long as you are single. But if you are married and this person is single, your still safe as long as the two of you never cross that path of distraction. Liking someone is not a sin nor cheating, as long as you can put some distance.
cheating ANSWER; or Adultery......affairs
you will know if your cheating when you are dating someone and dating someone else at the same time.
no its only cheating if they kiss and make out
its not cheating, unless you are dating oth of them
Are you the person they were cheating or was it someone else? If someone was cheating you, I would say I didn't want to be their girlfriend (or boyfriend if you are a guy) anymore and that I saw them cheating. If it is someone else that was being cheated, I would tell the person who is being cheated and tell the person what I saw the person do.
You should not date someone when they are with someone else because that means that the person you are with is cheating.
No it is not. You aren't with that other person when you are dating someone else. That is not cheating.
No, If Your Dating Somebody And Have A Crush On Someone Else Its Not Cheating If Your Kissing Them Or Dating Them At the Same Time That Is Cheating.
no, in my mind, cheating is doing something you would normally do with your G/BF with someone else and leaving your G/BF out of it
* If you are legally separated then no, you are not cheating by sleeping with someone else, but remember ... she could be doing the same thing.
if you go out with someone and then go out with someone else at the same time, you are cheating on them.
A dare is something that you do voluntarily. So, by voluntarily kissing someone else, you have cheated.
that he is cheating